Breathe vs Breath | Difference & Example Sentences

Phew! Take a deep breath. Wait, is it “breath” or “breathe?”

English is considered to be a tricky language, especially regarding words that sound similar but have different meanings and uses. Two such words are “breath” and “breathe.” Let’s understand their difference to learn their proper usage.

Breath vs. Breathe: Spelling differences

Let’s clarify the basics – The spelling! The word “breath” is a noun and does not contain the letter “e” at its end. In contrast, “breathe” is a verb that includes an “e” at the end. This single letter changes their use and pronunciation.

Using “Breath” and “Breathe”

The pronunciation of “Breath” is similar to “Death”. The term refers to the air that is inhaled or exhaled during breathing. Here are some examples of how to use “breath” in sentences:

– After running up the hill, she took a deep breath.

– The cold air made her breath visible.

On the other hand, “Breathe” rhymes with “seethe.” “Breathe” indicates the action of inhaling and exhaling air. Here are some examples of their correct use in sentences:

– Remember to breathe slowly when diving under the sea.

– He had to breathe deeply to calm his nerves.

Here are a few sentences with both these words to highlight their difference:

– After the trek, she sat down to catch her breath. She reminded herself to breathe slowly.

– The doctor asked him to take a deep breath and then breathe out slowly.

How to Remember their Difference?

The key to remembering their difference is to consider the length of the word and the action it describes. The word “breathe” has an extra ‘e’ and is longer, just like the action of breathing requires more effort than a single breath.

Alternatively, you can think of “breathe” as a longer word to match the continuous action it describes, whereas “breath” is short and represents a single moment.

Quiz Time

Test your understanding of “breath” and “breathe” with this short quiz:

  • After running, he was out of ____.

a) breath

b) breathe

  • Don’t forget to ____ during the exercise.

a) breath

b) breathe

  • She took a deep ____ before giving her speech.

a) breath

b) breathe

  • Fish can ____ underwater, but humans cannot.

a) breath

b) breathe

Do you wish to avoid unintentional grammatical errors in writing? Check out this free and reliable grammar checker here.

By understanding the correct use of “breath” and “breathe,” you can ensure correctness and clarity in your communication. Keep practicing to make this process a cakewalk.

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