Learn the art of using collective nouns accurately with our comprehensive guide. Enhance your language skills and impress others with your proficiency.
Confused about when to use 'was' and 'were'? Discover the grammatical rules and examples that distinguish these two past tense forms in English. Learn more here.
Cancelled vs canceled: Which spelling is correct? Find out the differences and learn how to use them properly in British and American English. Read more now.
Learn to write various types of letters, from business to friendly and thank-you notes. This guide offers step-by-step instructions on formatting, addressing, and more.
Use inquire for formal investigations and enquire to ask for information or express curiosity. Check out our article on the difference between inquire vs enquire for more effective communication.
One of the most important ways that the quality of an academic paper is measured is through its citations. Citations are a critical part of any paper as they indicate the sources that the writer referred to when writing and performing their…
Once the final draft of your paper is finished, there are still many important steps that need to be taken care of. Yes, the next logical step for you would be to re-read, revise, and essentially edit your paper.
While manually going…
Studying overseas is a dream of the many around the world. But getting there takes a lot of work. No matter what country you choose to study in, you’ll be required to pass an academic writing evaluation to demonstrate that you have the…
Revision begins with a re-read of your work and is focused on big picture changes like organization, flow, transitions, evidence, and content.
Editing is about making changes to sentence structure and phrasing.…