What are adjectives?

– Adjectives are words that describe or modify nouns and pronouns. – They provide information about the qualities, characteristics, or states of being of the nouns or pronouns they modify. – Adjectives can be placed before the noun (attributive adjectives) or after the verb (predicative adjectives).

Types of adjectives

Descriptive adjectives: Describe the physical appearance, qualities, or characteristics of nouns or pronouns. Examples include big, small, red, blue, happy, sad, kind, smart. – Quantitative adjectives: Indicate the number or amount of something. Examples include one, two, many, few, none, some, all. – Demonstrative adjectives: Point out or identify specific nouns or pronouns. Examples include this, that, these, those. – Possessive adjectives: Shows ownership or possession. Examples include my, your, his, her, its, our, their.

Comparative and superlative adjectives

Comparative adjectives are used to compare two things. They are formed by adding -er or -ier to the end of the adjective. For example, big, bigger, biggest. Superlative adjectives are used to compare three or more things. They are formed by adding -est or -iest to the end of the adjective. For example, big, bigger, biggest.

Position of adjectives

– Attributive adjectives: These adjectives are placed before the noun they modify.  For example, the tall tree. – Predicative adjectives: These adjectives are placed after the verb to be (am, is, are, was, were, etc.).  For example, The tree is tall.

Examples of adjectives in sentences

The red car is parked outside. (Red is an attributive adjective modifying the noun "car") – The sky is blue.  (Blue is a predicative adjective following the verb "is") – The cat is very playful.  (Playful is an attributive adjective describing the noun "cat") – I have two dogs. (Two is a quantitative adjective indicating the number of dogs) – This is my book.  (This is a demonstrative adjective pointing out the specific noun "book")


- Adjectives are essential parts of speech that add clarity, detail, and vividness to our writing and speech. – Continue to learn and explore the vast world of adjectives to enhance your language skills and communication abilities. – Practice using adjectives creatively in your writing and speech to add depth and richness to your expressions.