
Beside: By definition, it means 'next to' or 'by its side'. Besides:   It means ‘other than,’ ‘in addition to,’ or ‘along with’ someone or something.

When to Use Beside

• It is a preposition. • It means 'next to' or 'by the side of.' • Typically, it refers to a location.


"The books are kept beside the bag." "Tom always sat beside Harry."

When to Use Besides

• It is also a preposition.  The phrase means 'other than,' 'in addition to,' or 'together with'.


"My sister plays the guitar professionally besides practicing medicine." "Besides Sam, who else wants to dance?"

Examples for Academic Writing

Incorrect: Beside testing the reaction of ketones, we tested the reaction of aldehyde. Correct: Besides testing the reaction of ketones, we tested the reaction of aldehyde. Both reactions were tested, so besides (in addition) is correct here.

Incorrect: We carefully placed the tubes with reactive components besides the burner. Correct: We carefully placed the tubes with reactive components beside the burner. Two tubes are placed near the burner; their locations are specific. Therefore, beside (at the side of) is the correct preposition.