Promote Trinka & Earn Big!

Commision Details

Commission Details

  • Paid plan subscription - 25%
other benefits

Other Benefits

  • Great conversion rates
  • Cross-device tracking
  • Extended 90-day cookie window
  • Early bird rewards
  • Top-class affiliate support

Why become an Affiliate?

Grammar and sentence corrections can be a daunting task, and most online grammar checker tools struggle when it comes to academic and research paper proofreading. Trinka harnesses AI and ML technologies coupled with decades of industry expertise to provide all the essential suggestions required for writing an error-free academic or research paper. Trinka is completely free and available to use online, as a browser plugin and MS Word plugin.

By partnering with Trinka, you will not just be helping the academic professionals and institutions but also earn a steady stream of revenue with minimal efforts. Trinka will handle all the heavy lifting so you can continue to focus on what you do best and maintain your client relationships by providing them the latest and useful content and recommendations.


Affiliate FAQs

Trinka's affiliate program functions in a simple and efficient manner ‒ you either put a banner or a tracking text link on your website (or social media profile, email, e-book, etc.), and you get paid every time a referred user upgrades to a premium plan. As we have a high conversion rate and attractive commission rate for each successful paid upgrade, the affiliates can earn a lot without an over-assertive sales pitch. Putting the word out there is enough, but the top performers get higher payouts.

For all queries, please email

Trinka helps people all around the globe ‒ students, researchers, scientists, professionals, language enthusiasts, and everyone who writes in English. Trinka’s affiliate program fits perfectly with websites or blogs linked to writing. Moreover, we have several thriving affiliates whose content emphasizes on education, science, technology, career development, and numerous other areas that appeal to Trinka’s diverse user base.

You can maximize your chances of getting into our affiliate program by creating content that’s in sync with our mission and ensuring that it’s relevant, well structured, and up to date.

Once you are accepted into the program, you will be given a range of affiliate banners and links. If you prefer, you can utilize newsletters and emails to promote Trinka.

When you put our banners and/or links, please ensure that you add them to pages with valuable and suitable content. As a best practice, do not place the links and banners next to several other banners/links.

Please do not give customers incentives/rewards for joining Trinka.

Furthermore, avoid bidding on the trademarks “Trinka” or ",” or any variants thereof, including incorrect spellings. Also, please refrain from using those trademarked names in domain names or Meta tags or link directly to our website from pay-per-click ads.

Moreover, we forbid bidding on the below-listed brand and non-brand keywords:

Trinka, Trinka AI,,, plagiarism checker, AI grammar checker, grammar check, plagiarism check, free plagiarism checker, grammar checker free, online grammar checker, writing assistant, academic writing assistant, technical writing assistant, proofreading.

Our exceptional commission structure offers you a sales commission of 25% of the transaction value per paid upgrade. Every link on your website has a specific tracking code. Each time a customer clicks via your website to and upgrades to a paid plan, we document that conversion and assign it to your account. At any time, you can see your conversions and earnings from the dashboard or the Reports section in ShareASale or PostAffiliatePro. Affiliates earn commissions when users upgrade to premium plans within 90 days of first visiting the website thanks to the extended 90-day cookie window.

Note: All payments will be made in USD only. Please ensure your bank accepts USD if you are not in the US.