Legal Writing
Legal Writing Made Easy
Apply industry-accepted style guides to write consistently and save time.

Trinka incorporates the legal style guide, The Redbook 3rd edition. This allows you to integrate the Redbook's comprehensive style rules directly into your writing process. You can upload your document, and Trinka will analyze and suggest replacements to align with the Redbook style guide, enhancing the clarity of your legal documents.
The changes were incorporated in the 25th Amendment.Twenty-fifth Amendment.
The plaintiff alleged that the defendant's actions during the July 14,2004 campaignthe 2004 campaign constituted a breach of electoral laws.
In Bausch’s and Lomb’sBausch and Lomb’s lawsuit, the court's focus was primarily on the defendants' assets.
Trinka integrates the 2023 Handbook on Combating Gender Stereotypes by Supreme Court of India, streamlining the application of its style rules into your legal documents. Upload your document, and Trinka will provide alerts for non-inclusive content, aligning your writing with the handbook's standards for promoting stereotype-free legal communication.
He furtheralso highlights the unexplained inordinateexcessive delay of over two years in lodging the FIR.
The Defendant was a giddy boy and seduced to gratify the lewdness of a wanton woman.
The victim is a transvestite, born a girlassigned female at birth.
Trinka draws upon the guidance by authoritative legal writing guides to make your legal drafts persuasive, direct, and concise by using modern phrasing, without changing terms of art.
There was a search warrant signed A search warrant was signed by the aforementioned magistrate.
Trinka helps you keep specific phrases and entities consistent in terms of spelling, hyphenation, and number style.
In vertical agreements, the buyer-seller relationship differs from horizontal agreements, posing less risk of competition elimination than buyer–seller interactions among competitors.
Trinka ensures your writing is respectful, and free from bias or offensive language, helping you communicate more effectively and professionally.
The Employer recruited underpaid illegal immigrantsundocumented immigrants between 1975 and 1987.
Trinka provides contextual corrections and avoids flagging valid legal terms. This database is routinely updated.
Bank A announced the abolishmentabolition of a series of documents issued in 1991. [Garner, Bryan A., et al. “§ 12 Troublesome Words.” The Redbook: A Manual on Legal Style, West Academic Publishing, St. Paul, MN, 2018.]
If your law firm uses a unique writing style and preferences, Trinka can customize an automated style guide for your specific needs, ensuring that all documents reflect your firm’s unique identity and approach to legal writing.
Trinka will help you in maintaining accuracy and compliance with legal writing standards, which is critical for the credibility and validity of legal documents.
Trinka helps you in reducing the need for manual checking and editing of each document for style compliance, allowing teams to focus more on substantive legal work.
With Trinka you can ensure that all documents produced by your law firm maintain a consistent style, tone, and format.