Institution Plan
Comprehensive Suite of AI Writing Assistance for Your University
Provide AI writing assistance to everyone at your university with a usage-based pricing plan.
No more hassle of user-license management and wastages. With our usage-based Institution plan, universities can offer complete AI writing assistance to everyone at the university.
No money wasted on unused licenses as you pay only for usage.
Provide writing assistance to everyone with the university domain email ID.
Extend your subscription easily with roll-over flexibility.
Blacklist or whitelist email IDs and limit usage as needed, offering you full control over usage.
Complete AI writing assistance designed for academics to improve language quality.
Simplify literature review process with smart AI tools to master the literature with superhuman speed.
A comprehensive suite of reports to evaluate the integrity of submitted documents.
Check & improve the citation quality and validate, format, and standardize them for all major styles.
Evaluate documents for 25+ standard checks to increase your chances of publication.
Assists your faculty and students to use GenAI tools responsibly with robust security and control.
With Sensitive Data Plan, protect your data to meet
the privacy and compliance needs.
Empower your students, faculty, and researchers with writing assistance tools that integrate effortlessly into their everyday platforms, ensuring productivity and efficiency.
Use Trinka's full potential anywhere, with the secured web-based application.
Read MoreImprove academic writing with intelligent suggestions delivered directly within MS Word for coursework, research papers, and more.
Read MoreProvide professional grammar corrections, while writing in various applications on Windows.
Read MoreReal-time writing assistance on any website through plugins for all your favorite browsers.
Read MoreIntegrate into your university's Learning Management System (LMS) or other platforms using our powerful API and JavaScript solutions.
Read More Trinka offers flexible per-user or usage based pricing to suit your institution needs. Switch users and apply usage restrictions in real time, at no extra cost.
We'll work with you to create a hassle-free custom contract and single payment option via PO/invoice.